Staff and Faculty Awards 2016

Kathryn Beaty Ivey
2016 Undergraduate Adviser of the Year
The undergraduate adviser for family, youth and community sciences students since 2012, Kathryn Beaty Ivey strives to be accessible to students. She is dedicated to being accessible to students in the most critical of times, recognizing the uniqueness of each student and adjusting her advising style to best serve that student.
A graduate of the major herself, Ivey truly has a passion for her students, the major and the department as a whole.
One student described Ivey as follows: "She makes students who walk through her door believe that they can achieve whatever they dedicate themselves to."

Andrew C. Thoron
2016 Undergraduate Adviser of the Year
Andrew Thoron, Ph.D. is an assistant professor in agricultural education and communication. As an undergraduate adviser, Thoron is not content with merely advising students on curriculum and instead encourages them to actively engage in their learning and become life-long learners so they will have the tools to excel in their professional careers.
Thoron typically advises 20 to 25 undergraduates each year, and his personal interest in their studies does not end upon graduation. Many students have remarked how he not only helps them find a teaching position that matches their interests and qualifications but also regularly checks in with them after they are employed to see how they are progressing and to offer his continuing mentorship.
One student said, "Dr. Thoron is a remarkable adviser; his personable nature and ability to develop strong and lasting relationships is what puts him head and shoulders above others."

Jennifer C. Drew
2016 Undergraduate Teacher of the Year
Jennifer Drew, Ph.D. is an associate research scientist in microbiology and cell science. She was the first instructor in her department to take on the challenge of teaching a fully online course. Drew was instrumental in developing the microbiology and cell science online undergraduate degree program that now has nearly 100 students.
In all her courses, students are consistently enthusiastic and engaged, and speak glowingly about her teaching and support.
One student said, "Dr. Drew's kindness and genuine interest in my educational goals is evident in her online class and in her emails. She helped me find a passion for genetics, I am now pursuing a master's degree in genetic counseling thanks to her support, feedback and teaching style."

Brantlee Spakes Richter
2016 Undergraduate Teacher of the Year
As a lecturer in the plant pathology, Brantlee Spakes Richter, Ph.D., teaches a multitude of courses including Plants, Plagues and People; Fungus Among Us; and Fundamentals of Plant Pathology. Her goal as a teacher is to tap into the diverse interests of her students and engage as willing participants. She believes inspiration is a tremendously powerful tool that can pave the way for great accomplishments.
It is also her goal to help students become better learners, think critically and reason through material rather than relying on memorization. Some of the innovative assignments she has employed to motivate learners include Misidentified Mushrooms, in which students must discern which of a pair of mushrooms is safe and which is poisonous; and Home Brewing Disasters, in which students analyze scenarios of fermentation gone wrong.
One student shares "Dr. Spakes Ritcher has been an engaging professor, a receptive employer and an incredibly supportive mentor, she has a remarkable ability to enrich the life of any open-minded student that has a desire to learn".

Bertrhude Albert
2016 Jack L. Fry Award for Teaching Excellence by a Graduate Student
Bertrhude Albert is a doctoral student in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. Bertrhude's teaching experiences range from teaching conversational English to a group of Haitian students, to teaching Haitian Creole to University of Florida students, to serving as a teaching assistant and now lead instructor for one of the large enrollment courses in the department – Effective Oral Communication.
Bertrhude engages her classes through a student-centered approach to which she contributes content, direction, and the occasional rap performance. Students note Bertrhude's passion for teaching and her naturally enthusiastic approach.
One student said, "Ms. Albert has a genuine enthusiasm and love for the subject and her students. She is inspiring!"

Robert J. Fletcher, Jr.
2016 Graduate Teacher/Adviser of the Year
Bertrhude Albert is a doctoral student in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. Bertrhude's teaching experiences range from teaching conversational English to a group of Haitian students, to teaching Haitian Creole to University of Florida students, to serving as a teaching assistant and now lead instructor for one of the large enrollment courses in the department – Effective Oral Communication.
Fletcher strives to motivate students in diverse ways: he exhibits an infectious enthusiasm for the coursework, provides students with context for why the material matters, and challenges them to think broadly and critically and inspire a passion for the natural world and for science. His advising philosophy is to be a facilitator of career growth and to advocate for his students as they pursue their goals.
Current students speak highly of Fletcher, stating "He shows a superlative enthusiasm and knowledge when he is teaching. These aspects contribute to the success of the course without a doubt!"

Clay Hurdle
2016 Alumni and Friends Leadership Award
Clay Hurdle is a senior studying agricultural education and communication. Clay has been an active student during his time at UF by serving as a CALS Ambassador, UF Honors Program Ambassador, Preview staffer and undergraduate representative for the IFAS Faculty Assembly. Clay was recently inducted into the UF Hall of Fame and Florida Blue Key, and was also awarded the UF Presidential Service Award in March. Clay feels better prepared to understand and work with people in the classroom, community and workforce thanks to his experiences in CALS.
Former instructor Dr. Milton Newberry noted: "Clay is the student embodiment of the University of Florida Preeminence Initiative. He may be Georgia-raised, but he is a Gator to the core."

Emily Quintero
2016 Larry J. Connor Medal of Excellence
Emily Quintero is a senior studying nutritional sciences. Her passion for improving patient-physician interactions in healthcare led her to serve as a research assistant for the Pediatric Pulmonary Department at UF Health. Emily is a clinic director at the Equal Access Clinic in Gainesville and is also a supervisor in the Health Outreach Quality Improvement Program. As she moves forward in her medical studies, Emily would like to provide quality healthcare to underserved communities.
Former instructor Dr. Milton Newberry noted: "Clay is the student embodiment of the University of Florida Preeminence Initiative. He may be Georgia-raised, but he is a Gator to the core."

Shavone Taylor
2016 Emelie L. Matthews Award of Excellence – Outstanding Graduating Transfer Student
Shavone Taylor is a senior in animal sciences. An aspiring animal nutritionist, Shavone serves as a research assistant under both Dr. Gbola Adesogan and Dr. Charlie Staples in the Department of Animal Sciences. She credits the college with giving her the knowledge, skills and network to tackle future opportunities. She has volunteered at UF's Small Animal Hospital, House of Hope, Ronald McDonald House and Noah's Endeavor working with special needs children, and she hopes
to pursue both master's and doctoral degrees in animal nutrition.
Associate Dean Joel Brendemuhl noted that Shavone "is a gifted young woman academically and possesses the skill set to become an impactful leader." He looks forward to continuing to see her contribute to animal agriculture as she pursues graduate school.

Esteban Rios
2016 Jimmy G. Cheek Medal of Excellence – Outstanding Graduate Student
Esteban Rios, a doctoral student in agronomy, is the winner of the Jimmy G. Cheek Graduate Student Medal of Excellence. The award recognizes an outstanding graduate student who demonstrates high academic potential and achievement, leadership and community involvement, and commitment and passion about his or her chosen field of study.
Esteban earned his Bachelor of Science degree as an agronomy engineer in Argentina in 2010. He then came to UF where he was awarded his Master of Science in agronomy in 2013. His doctoral research focuses on turfgrass and forage breeding and genomics, and he is specifically working to find methods to accelerate the development of ryegrass cultivars for the southern United States.
Esteban's co-adviser Dr. Kevin Kenworthy wrote: "In my time at UF I have helped to mentor several truly outstanding graduate students and observed many others in the Agronomy Department. I can say without hesitation that Esteban is the most productive, competent and dependable student I have interacted with at the University of Florida."

Rebecca Gould
2016 E.T. York, Jr. Medal of Excellence – Outstanding Junior
Rebecca Gould, a dietetics junior, is a volunteer for the Gator Sports Nutrition Department and for the UF Health Shands Hospital's Nutrition Department where she completes patient surveys and assists dietitians in the hospital. Becky also actively serves on campus as a CALS Ambassador and the National Social Marketing Chair for GetFRUVED, a USDA-funded health intervention program targeting freshmen.
Dr. Anne Matthews wrote: "Becky was immediately attracted to the service and educational nature of GetFRUVED and became an ambassador in recruiting like-minded students to drive the project ... She is a primary point person for me and one that other students turn to regularly."

Steven Che
2016 J. Wayne Reitz Medal of Excellence – Outstanding Senior
Steven Che is a senior majoring in Dietetics. Steven is a CALS Ambassador, and he founded and serves as the culinary director of the Culinary Arts Student Union, an organization that educates members about the basic techniques to make soul-satisfying meals. He hopes to complete his dietetic internship in the coming year, combining his passion for cooking, his knowledge of nutrition and his work in social justice to enact meaningful changes in our community.
Dr. Mary Kay Carodine sums Steven up best in her description of him as "a highly intelligent student who has gotten involved on campus in meaningful ways, and he has made significant contributions in all."

Henry P. Davis
CALS Alumni & Friends Award of Distinction
BSA '50 Soil Science
The name Henry Davis is synonymous with service. Henry entered the U.S. Army after graduating from high school. Following two years in post-war Germany, he earned a bachelor's degree in soil science from the University of Florida in 1950. Henry began his 32-year Extension career in Santa Rosa County and also worked in Escambia County before spending his last 28 years in Taylor County.
Henry was instrumental in establishing several local organizations, including Taylor County Farm Bureau in which he held every office throughout the years. He also helped establish the Taylor County Cattlemen's Association, Big Bend Beekeeper's Association, Tobacco Barn Club, County Improvement Council and Vegetable Curb Market.
His most significant accomplishment was undoubtedly the development of thousands of young people through 4-H. Under his tutelage, five state 4-H presidents were elected out of his small, rural county. Henry's influence on the youth of Taylor County is legendary and in 2002, a county-wide "Henry Davis Day" was held in his honor. Additionally, a Henry Davis Scholarship Fund was established in his honor to assist 4-H members in attending Camp Cherry Lake.
Henry is a member of the UF Alumni Association and past president of the UF Taylor County Alumni Club. He resides in Perry and was nominated by Morris G. Steen, Jr.

T. Jesse Godbold
CALS Alumni & Friends Award of Distinction
BSE '63 Agricultural Education
Jesse Godbold grew up on a pioneer family farm in Suwannee County. He was active in 4-H and FFA and attended UF at which he was a member of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity, Collegiate FFA and Gamma Delta Agriuculture Education Fraternity.
He taught vocational agriculture at Santa Fe High School before beginning his 33-year Extension career. Jesse was an Extension agent in Columbia and Liberty counties before being promoted to county Extension director in Clay County in 1971. He provided leadership to develop and build the county agricultural Extension center and fairgrounds complex which encompasses more than 50 acres. In 2012, the Extension auditorium was named in his honor.
Jesse retired in 1996, but continues to serve on the Clay County 4-H Foundation, which he established in 1972. Jesse is a lifelong member of Clay County Farm Bureau and served as secretary of the county cattlemen's association for more than 30 years. In 2014, his FFA jacket was one of only five selected for display in the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, beside former President Jimmy Carter's FFA jacket.
Jesse resides in Green Cove Springs with his wife Jeanie and was nominated by Kelly Padgett Mosley who wrote "his vision [for Clay County Extension] was far beyond his years and will benefit our community and the agriculture industry for generations.

Keri Milligan Sidle
CALS Alumni & Friends Horizon Award
BSA '10 Agricultural Education and Communication
As many freshmen do, Keri Sidle entered the University of Florida with a plan to attend medical school. While serving as an Ambassador for the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Keri discovered her true passion for agricultural education. After graduation, she returned to her home county to open the Plant Biotechnology Academy at the brand new Oakleaf High School.
Oakleaf is not a traditional agricultural education program, and Keri relished the opportunity to introduce students to the agriculture industry. During her time at Oakleaf, enrollment in the ag program increased by more than 300 percent and in only its third year was recognized by the National Association of Agricultural Educators as an Outstanding Secondary Agriculture Program.
Keri was recognized as the 2011 Florida FFA Agriscience Teacher of the Year, 2013 Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association Educator of the Year, and 2013 Florida Association of Career and Technical Educators New Teacher of the Year. She and her husband Dan relocated to Minneapolis in 2014 where she started another new agriculture education program at Rockford Middle School, a STEM magnet school. At Rockford Middle, Keri has the opportunity to have every student in the school come through an agriculture classes each year for one quarter.
Keri considers her greatest achievement to be her former students who are pursuing their dreams and careers in the agriculture industry. She was nominated by Kelly Padgett Mosley.
Staff and Faculty Awards

Amy Alexander
Undergraduate Adviser of the Year
Amy Alexander is the academic programs coordinator for the plant science major. Since the spring of 2011, she has advised undergraduates in all eight plant science specializations. Amy serves as the main point of contact for more than 95 undergraduate students.
Amy's advising philosophy emphasizes meeting students where they are. For example, she maintains offices in both McCarty B and Fifield Hall. In her words, "When I can go, do and learn, I come home with a better understanding of our students, who they are, where they want to go and why."
Students who know her best say, "My academic and career path would not have been a success without the help and encouragement of Amy. I was fortunate enough to have her as my academic adviser, and now I have gained a friend for life."

Andrea Lucky
Undergraduate Teacher of the Year
Andrea Lucky, Ph.D. is an assistant scientist in the Entomology and Nematology Department. She teaches courses on insects and insect classification. Her goal as a teacher is not only to educate the next generation of entomologists and scientists, but also to help the next generation of teachers, politicians, business owners and scholars in any discipline to appreciate how and why science is fundamental to our lives.
She has been able to achieve this goal by teaching a general education course for non-majors along with a higher level course for entomology majors and graduate students. Not only did Lucky teach these courses face to face, but she also took on the responsibility of converting them to online courses while retaining the interaction and engagement necessary for true learning. Particularly innovative is the way she brings her own research into the classroom with Citizen Science programs she has created. These projects give students the perspective of seeing science as a process instead of as a set of facts.

Martha Monroe
Graduate Teacher/Adviser of the Year
Martha Monroe, Ph.D. is a professor in the School of Forest Resources and Conservation, where she teaches three graduate courses focusing on environmental education program development, conservation behavior, and forests and climate. Monroe believes that learning happens when learners are motivated to expand their mental models. Her advising philosophy is to personalize her guidance to students' career interests and strengths.
Current students speak highly of Monroe, stating, "Martha is, above all, a fantastic teacher/adviser/mentor. She always encourages her students to attend conferences and expand their professional development, and she is tenaciously dedicated to securing opportunities and funds to aid these efforts."
Chris Mott
Jack L. Fry Award for Teaching Excellence by a Graduate Student
Chris Mott, Ph.D. earned his doctoral degree in agricultural education and communication this spring. He is a three-time Gator grad, having already earned a bachelor's degree in telecommunications and a master's degree in agricultural education and communication.
Mott's teaching experiences range from teaching conversational English in Hungary, an experience that sparked his love for teaching, to serving as a teaching assistant or co-instructor for two large enrollment courses in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication —Effective Oral Communication and Leadership Development.
Students, both in evaluations and letters of support for this award, note Mott's passion for the subject of leadership and his relatable approach as an instructor. One student indicated that Mott's enthusiasm for the subject inspired her to minor in Leadership. Another student said he "was very charismatic, energetic and enthusiastic. I feel that his attitude was contagious in the best of ways, and this helped spark my interest in learning the subject material."

Rebecca Baldwin
Undergraduate Adviser of the Year
Rebecca Baldwin began her career at UF in the Department of Entomology and Nematology in 2006 as an assistant extension specialist, and in 2010, she became an assistant professor. For Baldwin, academic advising is an important component in the success of students. Her passion is to provide the resources so students can reach their potential. She recognizes that they not only need information about degree requirements, but they also need guidance as they solve problems, identify research and internship opportunities, and become global citizens.
One student said, "The moment I switched to entomology and nematology, Dr. Baldwin was there to support and help me in every way possible. She would do anything for a student, including help them find a mentor in their dream field, writing glowing letters of recommendation for jobs and graduate school, helping them plan a difficult course schedule, or simply talking about the impossible 'what should I do with my life?' question."

Chris Mortensen
Undergraduate Teacher of the Year
Chris Mortensen, Ph.D. is an assistant professor in animal sciences. Since 2009, he has taught a wide variety of courses in equine sciences in the areas of reproductive physiology, genetics and endocrinology. He developed the Horse Course, which had more than 17,000 students on Coursera.
Mortensen believes we are in the midst of a major paradigm shift in higher education. As technological advancements increase the speed at which society can present and access information, educators need to progress as well. The core of his teaching philosophy embraces change and the discovery of effective methods of information delivery.
One of his students stated, "Dr. Mortensen creates clear objectives for the class and a fair, yet challenging curriculum, while simultaneously striving to create a memorable and fun learning space."

Nathan Carson
Alumni and Friends Leadership Award
Nathan Carson completed his bachelor's degree in food and resource economics this spring. He chose this major because of his interest in food insecurity, economic development and international relations. Nathan has a stellar academic record, has been involved in nearly every student activity his department offers, and was inducted into Alpha Zeta Honors Fraternity in 2013.
Food and resource economics chair Spiro Stefano said, "He is very clear about his commitment to agriculture in the state and his desire to contribute to the industry. Nathan is a young man who is poised to make a difference for agriculture, Florida and beyond."

Alan Chan
Larry J. Connor Medal of Excellence
A food science and human nutrition graduate, Alan Chan describes the college as one that promotes growth and self-discovery. He credits CALS with helping him identify his mission of furthering the field of medicine through mentoring minority students. Alan has extensive experience with mentoring through his roles with both the University Minority Mentor Program and the Pride Mentor Program.
Mitchell Knutson, Ph.D., noted, "…in addition to his intellectual abilities and strong work ethic, Alan has devoted a substantial amount of time and energy in promoting diversity in the student body."

Michelle Nguyen
Larry J. Connor Medal of Excellence
Michelle Nguyen graduated with a degree in biology with a biotechnology specialization and a minor in Health Disparities. She developed a global perspective through activities such as the CALS Leadership Institute, MEDLIFE, and the Rural Women's Health Project. She received a presidential service award from the UF Center for Leadership and Service for her community service efforts.
One of Michelle's references noted, "She has demonstrated excellence in her ability to balance the competing demands of a rigorous academic curriculum, independent research and community service."

Daniel Greenwell
Emelie L. Matthews Award of Excellence Outstanding Graduating Transfer Student
Daniel Greenwell transferred to UF from Tallahassee Community College and graduated with his bachelor's degree in plant science. Daniel immersed himself in the world of environmental horticulture, pursuing a yearlong internship with the premiere public garden in the United States, interning in quality control for ProFlowers around Valentine's Day, and serving as head grower for the largest club poinsettia sale in the country.
Of his experience, Daniel said, "I have become part of a family here because of how close-knit the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences is. I believe I will maintain the relationships that I have built here with my classmates and the professors for the rest of my life."
Amanda Ford
Jimmy G. Cheek Graduate Student Medal of Excellence Winner
Amanda Ford, a doctoral student in nutritional sciences, is the winner of the Jimmy G. Cheek Graduate Student Medal of Excellence. The award recognizes an outstanding graduate student who demonstrates high academic potential and achievement, leadership and community involvement, and commitment and passion about his or her chosen field of study.
Ford earned a Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition and a Master of Science in Management, both from UF. Her doctoral research focuses on the clinical applications of probiotics, and specifically evaluates the role of the diet on microbiota and explores the potential mitigating role of probiotics in older adults.
She has already co-authored five revered publications and has four more under review.
Ford's adviser, Wendy Dahl, Ph.D., summed it up best when she wrote, "Amanda exemplifies each of the qualities and characteristics honored by the Jimmy G. Cheek Graduate Medal of Excellence. She has achieved excellence in her academic pursuits, while passionately pursuing research, extension, teaching and community service."

Steven Che
E.T. York, Jr. Medal of Excellence Outstanding Junior Award
Steven Che is a food science and human nutrition major. As a freshman, Steven helped to establish a new student organization at UF, the Culinary Arts Student Union. He went on to serve as president of the group. His enthusiasm for teaching others about food and cooking is obvious to everyone he meets. Steven also serves as a CALS Ambassador and director of Gatorship.
He wrote that the college "has provided me a plethora of opportunities, resources and connections to reach my goals of becoming a registered dietitian focusing on resource disparities."

Clay Hurdle
E.T. York, Jr. Medal of Excellence Outstanding Junior Award
Clay Hurdle is a Spanish and agricultural education and communication major. Clay was selected for the CALS Leadership Institute, and he has served as a Preview Staffer, Honors Ambassador and vice president of Collegiate 4-H.
One of his references said, "Clay has a strong desire to pursue a career in academia, and has selected his campus involvement to lay a solid groundwork for such professional aspirations."