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College Of Agricultural And Life Sciences

College Of Agricultural And Life Sciences

Artificial Intelligence In CALS

The University of Florida is at the forefront of artificial intelligence in higher education. Developments in artificial intelligence and precision agriculture are creating new, efficient, and sustainable ways to feed the world. Students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences are able to sharpen their knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence through courses and certificate programs.

University of Florida AI Initiative

AI Across the UF Curriculum 

The University of Florida is dedicated to providing opportunities for all students to learn more about artificial intelligence, no matter the major or program. The university has new and enhanced majors that incorporate AI into their syllabuses. 

There are multiple ways for students to engage with AI in the classroom. Students can customize their degree by supplementing AI courses into their program or completing a certificate. 

Learn more about the courses, majors, minors and programs UF has related to AI.

  • AI Fundamentals and Applications Certificate - Undergraduate

    The AI Fundamentals and Applications Certificate helps students understand the basics of AI, strategies to apply AI in their discipline, and how to use high-level AI tools. Students take two required three-credit courses and one three-credit course from a list of qualifying electives..

    Course requirements for CALS students: 

    • EEL3872: Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals - 3 Credits: Fall, Spring, (All Online)
      • Introduces the fundamentals of AI technologies, building machine learning models, and applying AI tools to solve real-world problems.
    • PHI3681: Ethics, Data, and Technology – 3 Credits: Fall, Spring, Summer A or B
      • Explores ethical issues on emerging technologies in artificial intelligence, data science, and algorithmic decision-making. 
    • ALS3200C: AI in Agricultural and Life Sciences – 3 Credits: Fall
      • Provides students with an understanding of hands-on experience building/using AI systems and applying those skills to solve real-world agricultural and life sciences problems.

    *Each course has their own requirements. 

    FAQS about the AI Certificate:  

    Do we need background knowledge? 

    Any previous knowledge is encouraged but not required. It is recommended that students have statistics, programming, or machine learning knowledge. Additional comprehension of these topics will support students as they learn the new complex material.

    What is the benefit of an AI Certificate? 

    This certificate helps students understand the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, real-world application to problems in their discipline, and the ethical/professional responsibilities of using the technology. The certificate prepares students for research, industry, and academics. It sets students apart by expanding their resume and future job prospects.

  • AI Certificates - Graduate

    CALS offers certificates in the field of AI that are open to all UF and non-degree students. Students who are looking for ways to stay up-to-date with changing technologies in their field, enhance their skill set, earn professional development credits, or sample the course load can benefit from completing a graduate certificate.

    Graduate Certificates with AI Components:

    Applications in AI-based SmartAg Systems:

    This certificate follows a 3-tier sequence of courses, all with an emphasis on precision agriculture and SmartAg concepts. In Tier I, students are introduced to design analysis and in Tier II develop machine learning skills. In Tier III, students will combine their past material with specialized courses to focus on a specific discipline of interest.

    SmartAg Engineering: 

    This certificate trains students in computation-based innovation in agriculture, termed SmartAg. The course structure introduces students to instrumentation, machine learning, and control methods. It consists of three required courses, followed by electives centered around the student’s interests.

Available AI Courses 

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