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College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences


Faculty support the mission of CALS through service on committees.

Curriculum Committee

  • About the Curriculum Committee

    The Curriculum Committee is a standing committee of the UF/IFAS Faculty Assembly.

    The Curriculum Committee shall perform the following functions pertaining to undergraduate and graduate programs:

    • Review and make recommendations to the University Curriculum Committee, Graduate Curriculum Committee, and Graduate Council regarding the course and curricular proposals, changes, and other curricular matters.
    • Review and recommend changes in academic policy and programs to the Faculty Assembly.
    • Review and update the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog.

    The committee will consist of elected faculty representatives with teaching responsibilities from each academic department and school; plus one CALS undergraduate student selected by the Agricultural and Life Sciences College Council and one CALS graduate student appointed by the CALS Dean, with each student serving a one-year term. Faculty representatives will have two-year terms, with half the committee elected each year. Members may be re-elected to the committee. The Dean of CALS or designee(s) shall be a liaison to the Curriculum Committee.

    CALS Curriculum Committee Operating Code

  • Curriculum Committee - Information & Documents

    Meeting Dates and Due Dates - click for PDF

    To submit a curricular change such as a course, specialization/concentration, major, certificate, minor, degree or ALC/AAP go to UF's Academic Approval Tracking website. (Please be aware that all new course and course change proposals must include a complete syllabus for review by the CALS CC)

    Next Meeting
    December 20, 1:00 p.m.
    Meeting Documents

    Attend Virtually

    Meeting ID: 355458614

    Required Documents

    Other Reference Documents

  • 2024-2025 Committee Members
    Department Name Years Serving Email PO Box
    Agricultural and Biological Engineering Adam Watson 2023-2025 110570
    Agricultural Education and Communication Tre Easterly 2024-2026 112060
    Agronomy Rosalie Koenig 2023-2025 110500
    Animal Sciences Jason Scheffler (Chair) 2023-2025 110910
    Entomology and Nematology Jennifer Weeks (Chair Elect) 2024-2026 110620
    Environmental Horticulture Bart Schutzman 2024-2026 110670
    Family, Youth and Community Sciences Tracy Johns 2024-2026 110310
    Food and Resource Economics Bachir Kassas 2024-2026 110240
    Food Science and Human Nutrition Beth Gankofskie 2024-2026 110370
    Forest Resources and Conservation, School of Tim Martin 2023-2025 110410
    Horticultural Sciences Gerardo Nunez 2024-2026 110690
    Microbiology and Cell Science Joseph Larkin 2023-2025 110700
    Natural Resources and Environment, School of Danny Coenen 2022-2024 116455
    Plant Pathology Dean Gabriel 2023-2025 110680
    Soil and Water Sciences Patrick Inglett 2024-2026 110510
    Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Vanessa Hull 2023-2025 110430
    Undergraduate Student Perry Johnson 2024-2025 N/A 
    Graduate Student Tafsir Nur Nabi Rashed 2024-2025 N/A
    Ex-officio Anne Mathews 110270
    Ex-officio Heather McAuslane 110270
    Ex-officio Allen Wysocki 110270
    Recorder James Fant 110270


Curriculum Committee -- Meeting Document Archives

Appointed Committees

Each appointed committee shall be comprised of one faculty member from each of the following areas, each serving two-year staggered terms. Members are appointed by the Dean. When possible, representation from each unit should be considered over a four-year time period. New terms begin on the first day of the Fall semester. Committee chairs are selected by each committee during the Spring semester for the following year.

Area 1: Environmental Horticulture / Horticultural Science
Area 2: Agronomy / Soil and Water Science / Plant Pathology
Area 3: Agricultural Education and Communication Family / Youth and Community Sciences / Food and Resource Economics
Area 4: Agricultural and Biological Engineering / Animal Sciences / Food Science and Human Nutrition
Area 5: Microbiology and Cell Science / Entomology and Nematology
Area 6: Forest Resources and Conservation / Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
  • CALS Council for Teaching Enhancement and Innovation

    The CALS Council for Teaching Enhancement and Innovation was established in 2012 to advise the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences’ Dean on topics related to enhancing instruction and incorporating innovative teaching throughout the college. Visit the Operational Guidelines here.

  • Undergraduate Student Awards and Scholarships Committee

    The CALS Undergraduate Student Awards and Scholarship Committee is advisory to the Dean in matters related to student awards and scholarships for undergraduate students in the College. Students enrolled in Agricultural and Biological Engineering major are also considered for scholarships and awards.

    The committee's primary responsibility is to review criteria and processes related to selection, assist with encouraging participation, and make selection recommendations for awards and scholarships. In addition, the committee should promote the participation of CALS students in competition for university and national awards and scholarships.

    The committee specifically administers the following programs on behalf of the Dean:

    • E. T. York, Jr. Medal of Excellence
    • J. Wayne Reitz Medal of Excellence
    • Larry J. Connor Medal of Excellence
    • CALS Undergraduate Academic Scholarships

    The Associate Dean responsible for undergraduate programs and the Director of Student Development and Recruitment serve as ex officio non-voting members of the committee.

  • Graduate Student Awards, Scholarships and Fellowships Committee

    The CALS Graduate Student Awards, Scholarships and Fellowships Committee is advisory to the Dean in matters related to awards, scholarships and fellowships for graduate students in the college.

    The committee's primary responsibility is to review criteria and processes related to selection, assist with encouraging participation, and make recommendations for awards and scholarships. In addition, the committee should promote the participation of CALS students in competition for university and national awards, scholarships and fellowships.

    The committee specifically administers the following programs on behalf of the Dean:

    • James Davidson Graduate Travel Scholarship
    • Harold E. Kendall, Sr. Graduate Endowed Scholarship
    • Herlong Endowed Graduate Scholarship
    • Alec Courtelis International Graduate Student Award
    • Jack L. Fry Graduate Teaching Award
    • Other academic scholarships as monies are available

    The committee may also monitor involvement in the following programs which are administered by UF Research and Graduate Programs:

    • Graduate Student Council Travel Grant
    • Research and Graduate Programs Travel Grant

    The Associate Dean responsible for graduate programs serves as an ex-officio non-voting member of the committee.

  • CALS Teaching and Advising Awards Committee

    The CALS Teaching and Advising Awards Committee's primary responsibility is to review criteria and processes related to selection, and make selection recommendations for the following awards:

    • Undergraduate Teacher of the Year
    • Undergraduate Faculty Advisor/Mentor
    • Undergraduate Professional Advisor (Staff)
    • Graduate Teacher/Advisor/Mentor
    • Doctoral Dissertation/Mentoring/Advising

    The Associate Dean responsible for faculty development serves as an ex-officio non-voting member of the committee.

  • Distance Education Advisory Committee

    The CALS Distance Education Advisory Committee is advisory to the Dean in matters related to credit-generating instructional programs that utilize distance delivery technology within the College, on the UF campus and at each of the IFAS Research and Education Centers.

    The committee's primary responsibilities include:

    • Make recommendations to the Associate Dean concerning new DE courses/programs
    • Make recommendations to the Associate Dean and IFAS Communication Services concerning the nature, quantity and availability of resources for DE course development and delivery
    • Review off-campus courses/programs as needed and make recommendations for addition, deletion or modification
    • Identify grant opportunities to enhance CALS DE programs with appropriate faculty teams for proposal development
    • Review the CALS DE website annually and make recommendations for improvement

    The Associate Dean responsible for distance education programs serves as an ex officio non-voting member of the committee. One undergraduate student and one graduate student enrolled through a Research and Education Center will be appointed by the Dean to serve one-year terms as voting members.