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College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

CALS Teaching Resource Center Programs

  • Roche Teaching Scholars

    The Roche Teaching Scholars program lasts a full year and includes four active learning sessions. Participants assess who they are as teachers and identify unique characteristics that influence how they teach, learn course design strategies, attend the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture annual conference to engage in the scholarship of teaching and learning, and learn about educational policy and administration.

    Call for applications

    Fillable application form (PDF)

    Historical record of Roche Teaching Scholars (2018-2022)

  • Scholarship of Teaching & Learning

    The Scholarship of Teaching & Learning group is designed to connect a faculty member's teaching and or course design practices to research. Over the course of a semester, faculty members in this group will develop a research idea connected to teaching and learning, solidify the research project, and move the project through IRB approval in preparation of implementing the project. The group meets 1-2 times per month. If you are interested in being a part of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning group, please contact the TRC Staff.

  • Teacher's College

    Teacher's College was established in 2007 to enhance the teaching skills of newer CALS faculty members. Teacher's College also allows faculty to engage as a community of practice around learner-centered teaching.

    Faculty are selected through a nomination process to participate in this semester-long course. The course is facilitated by a team of experienced CALS faculty who model effective teaching practices.

    The topics to be addressed in the course include principles and practices utilized in the spectrum of responsibilities of teaching faculty, beginning from developing a teaching philosophy to designing effective assessments and reflecting on practice.

    By the conclusion of the Teacher's College program, faculty are able to:

    • List and explain the psychological principles that affect learning.
    • Develop instructional objectives that are appropriate for an educational program.
    • Develop a detailed instructional plan for an educational program.
    • Develop an assessment procedure for an educational program or college course.
    • Incorporate the use of instructional aids/technologies in the instructional process.
    • Develop an evaluation procedure that reflects achievement of instructional objectives.
    • Reflect upon teaching practice to improve student learning.
  • CALS Teaching Council

    More information to come.