There are more than 45 CALS-affiliated student organizations.
The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences offers many opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills. Use the table below to explore CALS organizations, or use the search bar above the table to find a club by keyword. Graduate student organizations are listed at the bottom of the page.
Club descriptions and links are maintained by the individual organizations and content is the responsibility of the organization.
Clubs & Organizations | Contact | Description |
Agricultural Economics Clubs |
Advisor: Caleb Stair |
We are a Food and Resource Economics affiliated student organization. We provide industry exposure, networking opportunities, and social connections between students. |
Agricultural Operations Management Club |
Advisor: Adam Watson |
The Agricultural Operations Management Club acquaints present and potential members as well as industry and the general public with Agricultural Operations Management. It develops leadership potential and creates a spirit of fellowship among members, fosters the development of professional attitudes, and encourages recognition of the need for continued professional and intellectual improvement. It is affiliated with the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity |
Advisor: Charlotte Emerson |
Alpha Gamma Rho is the nation's premier social/professional agricultural fraternity. |
Alpha Zeta |
Advisors: Natalie Coers, Kara Riggs |
Alpha Zeta is an honorary professional society for students and industry professionals in the agriculture and natural resources fields. It takes pride in commitment to the highest levels of scholarship, leadership, fellowship and character. The Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta is only available to CALS students with a GPA in the top 2/5 of the college. |
American Society of Microbiology (ASM) Gators |
Advisor: Monika Oli |
Official student chapter of the American Society for Microbiology |
Block & Bridle |
Advisors: Suandra TenBroeck, Jason Scheffler, Joel McQuagge |
Block & Bridle is dedicated to promoting the interest and scholarship of animal science and agriculture. It provides members with the opportunity for professional development through service, educational, and leadership activities. Members make a positive impact on the ag industry through events and service while having fun and enjoying networking with other students, faculty and industry leaders. |
CALS Council |
Advisor: Megan Cantrell |
The CALS Council provides leadership for CALS students and student organizations. The council stimulates interest among students in the agricultural and life sciences, supports and promotes CALS student organizations, provides programs of interest and relevance to CALS students, and promotes communication between CALS faculty and students. |
Collegiate 4-H |
Advisor: Kate Fogarty |
Florida Collegiate 4-H is a professional development organization that strives to foster leadership, personal growth, and community involvement. |
Collegiate Farm Bureau |
Advisor: Charlotte Emerson
Collegiate Farm Bureau is a student-run organization that works to promote agriculture on the University of Florida campus. As a voice for agriculture at UF, Collegiate Farm Bureau connects students through agricultural advocacy, education, professional development, and interaction with industry leaders. |
Collegiate Veterans Society |
Advisor: Rick Hurtado
The UF Collegiate Veterans Society is dedicated to connecting collegiate veterans, dependents, and military-affiliated students in fellowship and professional development opportunities. |
Dairy Science Club |
Advisors: Corwin Nelson, Albert De Vries |
The Dairy Science Club (DSC) promotes involvement in the dairy industry at the local, regional, and national levels, allowing students to make connections to peers and industry representatives. Members have opportunities to attend and present at conferences, participate in intercollegiate competitions, attend farm tours with experts in the field, and promote a positive public perception of the dairy industry through community outreach and volunteerism. |
Entomology Club |
Advisor: Rebecca Baldwin |
Where people of all majors come together for their love of insects, educate other about insects, and educate themselves about insects. |
Environmental Horticulture Club |
Advisors: Erin Alvarez, Kevin Begcy |
Our club works to help students learn more about plants, offers networking and professional opportunities, and grows thousands of poinsettias each year to sell to put toward an annual international trip. |
Equestrian Club |
Advisors: Samantha Brooks, Carissa Wickens Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
The UF Equestrian Club (UFEC) was established in 1985 and is a member of the UF Sports Clubs. The club is dedicated to promoting good horsemanship and sportsmanship. All members share a love of horses and do not have to show to be an active member. Members participate in fundraisers, volunteer in the community, host horse shows at the university, and listen to equine guest speakers. The club sponsors four traveling show teams: Hunt Seat, Eventing, Western and Dressage. |
Ethnoecology Club |
Advisor: John Richard Stepp |
The UF Ethnoecology Garden is an interactive community garden and forum for students to learn and explore the relationships and interactions between people and their natural environment. The Ethnoecology Society maintains the garden space through dedicated volunteerism. We have a diverse community of students, faculty, staff, local experts and visitors that participate and contribute to the garden. Located near the bat houses and Lake Alice, the Ethnoecology Garden boasts a unique living collection of edible, medicinal and useful plants. |
Florida Wildlife Disease Association Student Chapter |
Advisor: Samantha Wisely |
The Wildlife Disease Association is an organization that seeks to acquire, disseminate, and apply knowledge of the health and diseases of wild animals in relation to their biology, conservation, and interactions with humans and domestic animals. |
Florida Recovery Network |
Advisor: Beth Gankofskie Website | Facebook | Instagram
The Food Recovery Network unites students at colleges and universities to fight food waste and hunger by recovering surplus perishable food from their campuses and surrounding communities that would otherwise go to waste and donating it to people in need. |
Food Science and Human Nutrition Club |
Advisors: Herschel Johnson, Beth Gankofskie |
Club oriented towards food science, nutrition, and dietetics students and anyone interested in food and nutrition. We host socials, community service events with the Ronald McDonald house that include cooking and nutrition education. |
Forestry Club |
Advisor: Tim Martin |
The Forestry Club is a multi-faceted organization. Our main focuses are on networking within the field of natural resources, the professional development of our members, engaging in community service, and competing yearly in collegiate timber-sports on behalf of the university. We are proud to represent the School of Forests, Fisheries, and Geomatic Sciences both at home in Gainesville and when we travel for the Southeastern Forestry Conclave. |
GREBE Audubon Campus Chapter |
Advisor: Kathyrn Sieving
GREBE is a birding club as well as the UF campus Audubon chapter. Students in GREBE organize birding trips and work on a variety of projects around the school, such as the native plant garden outside Newins-Ziegler and window collision surveys. |
Horticultural Sciences Student Club |
Advisor: Carlos Vallejos
The Horticultural Sciences Students Club creates an environment for students in the Horticultural Sciences Department to meet and interact with one another on a social and intellectual level. These goals shall be achieved through club meetings, social gatherings, fundraising, and seminars on topics related to the field of horticultural sciences. |
Marine Biology Club |
Advisors: Don Behringer, Shirley Baker |
The objectives of the Marine Biology Club are to provide opportunities for networking and professional development as well as to promote conservation and proper care of marine systems. We are geared towards marine science majors but are open to all who are passionate about our oceans. |
Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) |
Advisor: Katie Stofer |
MANRRS promotes an appreciation for the fields of agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences while striving to meet the professional, social, and academic needs of ethnic minority students. Our chapter is inclusive of students from all majors, degree programs, and backgrounds/identities. |
Minority Pre-Veterinary Students Club |
Advisor: Diwakar Vyas |
We guide and empower students pursuing a career in veterinary medicine while encouraging and supporting diversity in the field. This club provides opportunities to engage with speakers that are professionals in the veterinary field, hands-on animal experience, as well as social opportunities to connect with fellow undergrad and CVM students. Members also strive to teach about the importance of mental health and different coping mechanisms and strategies to help pre-vet students through their vet med journey! |
Natural Resources Diversity Initiative (NRDI) |
Advisor: Christina Romagosa |
The Natural Resources Diversity Initiative (NRDI) is a student run, faculty supported organization at UF. NRDI works to introduce a diverse group of students from all disciplines to the field of natural resources and the opportunities available to them within it. We are interested in improving the presence of underrepresented groups in science and a wide range of natural resources. We contribute to community outreach by bringing STEM programs to underserved areas, particularly with K-5 school programs. |
Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Club |
Advisor: Xin Zhao |
The purpose of the Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Club is to provide education through advocating alternative agricultural practices and methods, demonstrating fundamentals of agroecosystems and sustainable food systems to foster the awareness of social and environmental concerns to UF students and the local community. |
Out in STEM - Pride in CALS |
Advisor: Danae Perry |
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (oSTEM) is a national student society, dedicated to increasing the participation of people who identify with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or ally (LGBTQA) communities in disciplines related to science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM). |
People for Animal Awareness |
Advisor: Amber Emanuel |
People for Animal Wellness (PAW) members are dedicated to volunteering at local animal organizations which include both domestic and exotic animal organizations. We hold biweekly meetings where we hear from speakers, typically from local animal organizations, and plan exciting field trips that will provide our members with a new outlook about the animals that they will encounter. |
Plant Science Council |
Advisors: Marcio Resende, Esteban Rios |
Plant Science Council (PSC) is formed by undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs interested in plant science research, breeding and extension. PSC members develop leadership skills by organizing and participating in professional activities such as student-led symposiums, seminars and workshop series. PSC also seeks to expand member knowledge and experience in plant sciences, promote networking opportunities, and be a positive influence in agriculture and the community by education and giving back. |
Pre-Veterinary Medicine Club |
Advisor: Fernanda Rezende Website | Facebook | Instagram
The Pre-Veterinary Medicine Club at the University of Florida strives to connect students who share a passion for the veterinary profession. Our mission is to provide our members with the resources needed to aid in their journey of applying to veterinary school. We host meetings, service events, social events and other fun activities. Join us as we explore this [p]awesome career. Go Gators! |
Sigma Alpha Professional Sorority |
Advisor: Kotryna Klizentyte |
Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority that promotes leadership, scholarship, fellowship and service among its members. |
Society for Conservation Biology Florida Chapter |
Advisor: Vanessa Hull |
The Society for Conservation Biology is an international professional organization which promotes the study of maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity. The Florida chapter meets bimonthly to host guest speakers to talk on their research efforts. We also connect members with different opportunities and volunteering events. Additionally, we provide resources to learn about conservation and network with conservation professionals. |
Society for Viral Studies |
Advisor: Niam Montazeri Website | Facebook | Instagram | Email
We are a group of undergraduate students of any major interested in virology, public health, and other microbiology topics. We have guest speakers in the field; take trips to visit related museums, sites, labs, and more; have volunteering opportunities; and have socials for members to get to know each other. |
Wetlands Club |
Advisor: Mark Clark |
The purpose of the Wetlands Club is to unite students and staff who share an understanding and appreciation for wetlands through participation in community education, clean-ups, canoeing, camping, talks, and social events. |
UF Chapter of the Wildlife Society |
Advisors: Christiana Romagosa, Marcus Lashley |
The UF Chapter of the Wildlife Society is a chapter of the National Wildlife Society and seeks to help students foster and develop skill sets for careers in the wildlife field. Through a variety of workshops, speakers and events we hope to share a passion for all things wildlife. All majors are welcome!! |
CALS-Affiliated Graduate Student Organizations
- Agricultural and Biological Engineering Graduate Student Organization
- Agronomy Graduate Student Association
- Animal Sciences Graduate Student Association
- Citrus REC Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Organization
- Doctor of Plant Medicine Student Organization
- Environmental Horticulture Graduate Students Association
- Everglades Student Association
- Family, Youth and Community Sciences Graduate Association
- Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Organization
- Food Science and Technology Graduate Student Association
- Forestry Graduate Student Organization
- North Florida REC Students Association
- Ona REC Graduate Student Organization
- Plant Breeding Journal Club
- Plant Pathology Graduate Student Organization
- School of Natural Resources & Environment Graduate Student Council
- Soil and Water Sciences Graduate Student Association
- Treasure Coast Graduate Student Organization
- Wildlife Graduate Students Association
- UF Student Engagement
- CALS Council Constitution
- UF Student Government
- Student Organization Contact Information Update
- Classroom Reservations - Used to reserve classrooms controlled by the Registrar's Office
- CALS Weekly Email - Promote announcements to the CALS student Listservs