CALS Introductory Courses
A number of elective and introductory courses in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences can help students explore interests, meet requirements for their individual degrees, or decide on a potential major or minor.
ABE 2012C - Introduction to Biological Engineering
Credits: 3 (WR) Fall, Spring
Prereq: MAC 2311
The process of design is introduced along with approaches to solving engineering problems, manipulations and presentations of engineering data and applied engineering concepts.
AEB 2014 - Economic Issues, Food and You
Credits: 3 (S) Summer B, Fall, Spring (online course)
This course emphasizes the role of agriculture and economics: the how's and why's of their influence on food prices and the world food situation, the environment, natural resources and government policy; and economic issues, including inflation and money.
AEB 2451 - Economics of Resource Use
Credits: 3 (S) Fall
Introduces how economists value the environment and regulations designed to protect our natural resources from overuse and degradation.
AEB 3103 - Principles of Food and Resource Economics
Credits: 4 (S) Fall, Spring
Prereq: MAC 2233/2311 or higher
Introduces the field of food and resource economics, the principles of economics as applied to agriculture, and the economic problems of the agricultural industry and the individual farmer.
AEB 3671 - Comparative World Agriculture
Credits: 3 (S, I, International Scholars Program) Fall, Spring
The study of business and economic situations of the food and agriculture sector around the world.
AGC 3501 - Environment, Food and Society
Credits: 3 (B) Spring
Global issues and trends in population growth, natural resource (soil, water and plant genetic biodiversity) utilization, climate change and potential impacts of current trends on agriculture, natural resources, global food security and sustainability.
ALS 2410 - Challenge 2050: Global Uncertainty
Credits: 3 Fall
Explores questions in human well-being and sustainability building a foundation for addressing global challenges associated with global population. Transdisciplinary experts lead diverse and innovative discussions, complex adaptive problem solving; and the integration of economic, environmental, food, health, and social system perspectives.
ANS 2002 - The Meat We Eat
Credits: 3 (B) Fall, Spring
Consumer-oriented elective covering meat as a food, its inspection for wholesomeness, meat grading, identification, processing, selection, preparation and serving. Emphasizes preparation of economical, nutritious and palatable meals centered on meat.
ANS 2005 - The Role of Animals in Human History
Credits: 3
Surveys the importance of animals through human history, from the Stone Age to the present. The domestication of dogs, cats, major farm animals and some less familiar, such as camels, reindeer, and buffalo and the role they played in different societies and cultures across human history.
ANS 3006C - Introduction to Animal Science
Credits: 4 Summer C, Fall, Spring
Role of beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, poultry and horses in serving humans. Introduces anatomy and physiology of digestion, growth, reproduction and the application of genetics to livestock improvement.
ANS 3216 - Introduction to Equine Science
Credits: 3 Summer B, Fall
Designed for students with an interest in equine sciences but with limited equine experience. Principles of equine selection, care and utilization.
AOM 2520 - Global Sustainable Energy: Past, Present and Future
Credits: 3 Fall (online course)
Students will explore the global history of energy sources. New energy sources are investigated and international solutions to future needs are analyzed.
ENY 1001 - Bugs and People
Credits: 3 (B) Summer B, Fall, Spring
Introduction for lower-division students who want to learn popular information about insects and associated organisms.
ENY 2040 - The Insects
Credits: 3 (B) Summer B, Fall (online)
Introduces insect biology, insect-organism interaction and insect association with man. Features discussion of basic biological principles using insects as examples.
ENY 2041C - Practical Beekeeping
Credits: 3 Summer B
Students will be able to hands-on learning experiences, establishing colonies of European-derived honey bees and managing them to be healthy and productive.
ENY 3005 - Principles of Entomology
Credits: 2 (B) Summer C, Fall, Spring
Coreq: ENY 3005L
Introduces principles of insect study, including insect structure, insect development, evolutionary insect history and its ecological significance.
ENY 3005L - Principles of Entomology Laboratory
Credits: 1 (B) Summer C, Fall, Spring
Coreq: ENY 3005
Provides practical laboratory experience working with insects, dissecting insects and preparing lab reports. Insect collection is required.
ENY 3007C - Life Science
Credits: 3 Summer C, Fall, Spring
Introduces insects and their interactions with man and the environment.
ENY 4573 - Beekeeping I
Credits: 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
The biology of honey bees and the craft of apiculture will be examined by exploring the life cycle of honey bees, biogeography and evolution of beekeeping.
EVR 2001 - Introduction to Environmental Science
Credits: 3 (P, B and N) Fall, Spring
Delivered from a systems perspective, an interdisciplinary approach explores contemporary environments that are comprised of both human and non-human elements. Explores physical, chemical, and biological processes to understand pressing environmental challenges and cultural values, attitudes, and norms expressed by individuals and populations around the globe.
EVR 3323 - Introduction to Ecosystem Restoration
Credits: 4 Spring
Coreq: BOT 2010C or BSC 2010C, or instructor permission.
Restoration theory and planning, disturbed land reclamation, woodland/wetland/river restoration, invasive species, community involvement, and monitoring, and emphasizes plant selection, establishment and maintenance.
EVS 3000 - Environmental Science
Credits: 3 Fall, Spring
Prereq: CHM 2045 or CHM 2047 or CHM 2095
Interactions of humans and their environments, Earth's resources, pollution and environmental management.
EVS 3000L - Environmental Science Laboratory
Credits: 3 Fall, Spring
Coreq: EVS 3000
Hands-on experience in data collection and analysis for environmental science and management.
FAS 2024 - Global and Regional Perspectives in Fisheries
Credits: 3 (B) Spring
Fish biology, ecology and habitats relevant to fisheries on both a global and regional (Florida) scale. Follows the fisheries occurring from cold mountain rivers to the depths of the oceans, with special topics (e.g., artificial reefs, fisheries by catch and aquaculture). Intended for non-science and science majors.
FAS 4305C - Introduction to Fishery Science
Credits: 3 Spring
Prereq: Refer to the department
Principles of fish management in freshwater and marine systems. Includes field and laboratory techniques for aquatic habitat and fishery resource assessment, aquaculture practices and consideration of contemporary issues pertinent to sport and commercial uses of renewable fisheries resources.
FAS 4405 - Aquariums, Water and Aquaculture
Credits: 3 Spring
Prereq: BSC 2010 and BSC 2010L or instructor permission
Culture methods of fish and shellfish, species selection, biological and environmental principles, case histories and future trends.
FOR 2662 - Forests for the Future
Credits: 3 (S,WR) Fall, Spring
Examines current environmental issues that impact individual, community, and institutional decisions about North American forest resources. Each issue will be reviewed with a framework that uses human behavior, policy options, and media messages. Students are expected to understand the issues and to discuss and analyze the major social and ecological variables affecting each issue.
FOR 3153C - Forest Ecology
Credits: 3 (B) Fall
Ecological principles and their application to the management of forests; major sections include tree population, forest community dynamics and ecosystem processes.
FOR 3202 - Society and Natural Resources
Credits: 3 (S) Spring
Local-to-global and individual-to-institutional perspectives on natural resource values, sustainability diversity, and social change with consideration of potential paths for working with complex human and natural resource systems.
FOS 2001 - Man's Food
Credits: 3 (B) Fall & Spring (online)
Summer B (2 sections online with on-campus components and 1 section completely online)
Discussion of current nutrition and food science topics concerning nutritional quality and safety of foods as they relate to one's health. For science and nonscience students.
FOS 3042 - Introductory Food Science
Credits: 3 (B) Fall, Spring, Summer C (live and online available)
Commodities selected for human consumption and the methods used by food technologists to prolong shelf life, retard spoilage and ensure quality. Principles upon which the various processing methodologies are based.
FRC 1010 - Growing Fruit for Fun and Profit
Credits: 1 Spring; Prereq: Freshmen and sophomores only.
Especially for non-majors who desire a concise mini-course in fruit growing and marketing. Fruit crops include citrus, pecan, blueberry, strawberry, peach, grape, apple, mango and avocado.
FYC 3001 - Principles of Family, Youth and Community Sciences
Credits: 3 (S) Summer B, Fall, Spring
Prereq: 30 hours or more
Introduces the study and practice of family, youth and community sciences. Presents analytic concepts used in the study of family, youth and community sciences. Emphasizes the vulnerabilities and needs of U.S. children, youth, families and communities, and describes human services that maximize human potential and minimize personal and societal costs. Introduces students to the roles and skills of the human service professional.
HOS 1014 - Vegetable Gardening
Credits: 1 Fall
Primarily for non-majors who desire to learn the basic principles of vegetable gardening. A garden is required of each student.
HOS 3020 - Principles of Horticulture Crop Production
Credits: 3 Fall
Provides a basic understanding of the world fruit and vegetable industry. Emphasis will be placed on world., U.S. and Florida production regions, biology, soils, nutrition, terminology, types of fruits and vegetables, site selection and more.
HUN 2201 - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition
Credits: 3 (B) Summer B, Summer C, Fall, Spring
Prereq: BSC 2007 or BSC 2005 or BSC 2010 or CHM 1025 or CHM 2045 or APK 2100C or APK 2105C or CHM 1030.
The properties, functions, requirements, interrelationships and metabolism of nutrients.
IDS 2035 - An Ounce of Prevention
Credits: (S, D, 2000 Words, Quest 2) Spring
Learn hands-on skills and hard-core science to prevent major social problems of our day and promote resilience in our communities. Each student will apply what they learn in this class in one of three laboratories focusing on preventing bullying, teen Health, or obesity among diverse populations of youth.
MCB 2000 - Microbiology
Credits: 3 (B) Summer A, Fall, Spring
The role of microorganisms in chemical transformations, disease, public health and agriculture. Fundamental concepts are discussed, followed by beneficial and harmful actions of microorganisms as they affect our lives. Suitable as a general education science course, but not acceptable for admission to advanced microbiology courses nor for the preprofessional curricula required for the medical/veterinary sciences.
MCB 2000L - Microbiology Laboratory
Credits: 1 Summer A, Fall, Spring
Laboratory exercises demonstrate biochemical transformations and present methods for studying microbial properties. Suitable as a general education science course, but not acceptable for admission to advanced microbiology courses nor for the preprofessional curricula required for the medical/veterinary sciences.
MCB 3703 - Astrobiology
Credits: 3 (WR) Spring
Prereq: introductory course in microbiology, astronomy, chemistry, physics or geology
Astrobiology examines the origin, evolution and future of life in our solar system. Topics include planetary habitability, astrobiogeochemistry, microbial life and human space flight.
ORH 1030 - Plants, Gardening and You
Credits: 1 Summer B, Fall, Spring
A non-majors overview of environmental horticulture that emphasizes the art and science of growing, installing and maintaining plants used to enhance and improve the human environment indoors and outdoors. Gain familiarity with the science and the industries associated with environmental horticulture.
ORH 4932 - Introduction to Horticultural Therapy
Credits: 3 Fall
This course describes the profession and practice of horticultural therapy, explores people-plant relationships and their therapeutic benefits, and examines client populations and therapeutic gardens.
PCB 1051 - Exploring Your Genome
Credits: 3 Fall (online)
The genome sequence, how it is analyzed, and its implications on human health. The course promotes genetic literacy.
PCB 2441 - Biological Invaders
Credits: 3 (B) Fall
Introduces plants and animals that are invading Florida and the U.S. Why biological invaders are second only to habitat destruction as threats to natural ecosystems, what makes some species invasive, how to control or prevent invasions, where international commerce may be regulated, and who is affected by such issues.
PEN 1136 - Openwater Scuba Diving
Credits: 2 Summer C, Fall, Spring; Prereqs: Swim test
Beginning scuba diving including compass navigation, openwater diving environment, dive preparation and five openwater dives. Payment of required additional course fees and successful completion results in national certification as Openwater Scuba Diver.
PKG 3001 - Principles of Packaging
Credits: 3 Fall
Focuses on the materials, uses, functions and production processes of packaging. Topics include an industry overview and related applications as well as the historical, societal and technological drivers of packaging and how end-users decide on the product/package combination they use for their product and the impact these choices make on the product's market success.
PLP 2000 - Plants, Plagues and People
Credits: 3 (B or H) Summer C, Spring (online)
Biology and history of the human species for non-science majors. A chronological presentation from the origin of life to the present with emphasis on the impact that plants, animals and diseases have had and are having on human civilization.
PLP 2060 - Fungus Among Us: Mushrooms, Molds and Civilization
Credits: 3 (B) Spring
Role of fungi in human affairs, including their historical use as food or medicine or in religious activities. Also includes their current impact on society as pathogens of plants and animals, in the deterioration of food and fabric, and in the synthesis of important drugs.
PLS 3004C - Principles of Plant Science
Credits: 3 (B) Fall
Prereq: BOT 2010C or BSC 2010.
Introduces to the principles and practices of plant production systems. An overview of plant evolution, anatomy, physiology, improvement, pest, water and nutrient management as applied to a variety of plant production systems.
SUR 3103C - Geomatics
Credits: 3 Fall
Prereq: MAC 1147 and MAC 2311 placement or equivalent
Introduces angle, distance and elevation measurement, as applied to engineering, boundary location, topography, forest management and construction. Covers error theory as well as horizontal and vertical curves.
SUR 3323 - Visualization of Spatial Information
Credits: 3 Fall
Methods of mapping, modeling, communicating and visualizing spatial features. Includes boundary and topographical features, attributes, site modeling, site development and mapping using computer-aided mapping and design features.
SWS 2007 - The World of Water
Credits: 3 (P) Fall, Spring
The full range of water issues including abundance and quality of water in the environment, water policy and conflict.
SWS 3022 - Introduction to Soils in the Environment
Credits: 3 (P) Fall, Spring
Fundamentals of soil science emphasizing the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils in relation to growth of native and agricultural plants and environmental uses.
SWS 3022L - Introduction to Soils in the Environment Laboratory
Credits: 1 Fall, Spring
Hands-on exposure to soils-related properties and processes.
VEC 2100 - World Herbs and Vegetables
Credits: 3 (B) Fall
Introduces a variety of vegetables and culinary herbs. Emphasizes genetic, phytochemical and botanical diversity and importance of food phytochemicals and role of vegetables in nutrition.
WIS 2040 - Wildlife Issues in a Changing World
Credits: 3 (B) Summer A, Summer B, Fall, Spring (online option)
The biological and ecological basis of wildlife issues and the pathways humans use to resolve these issues. Topics include: major animal phyla; evolutionary history of vertebrates; state, federal and international agencies that manage wildlife; and the impacts of human activities on wildlife.
WIS 2552 - Biodiversity Conservation: Global Perspectives
Credits: 3 (B and N) Summer A, Summer B, Fall, Spring (online course)
The relationship between humans and the global biotic environment that supports them. This course explores human patterns of resource use and population biology that determine the status of the earth's biodiversity resources. Helps students understand how today's human society affects global life support systems, and how individuals can make lifetime contributions to environmental solutions.
WIS 3401 - Wildlife Ecology and Management
Credits: 3 Fall, Spring
Prereq: BSC 2011 and BSC 2011L
Wildlife as a natural resource with emphasis on principles of conservation, ecology and management.
WIS 3402 - Wildlife of Florida
Credits: 3 Spring
The diversity of wildlife species in Florida with emphasis on amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds.
WIS 3402L - Wildlife of Florida Laboratory
Credits: 1 Spring
Laboratory exploring the diversity of wildlife in Florida's ecosystems with emphasis on field identification, natural history and ecology of birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles.